Thursday, April 2, 2015

Esteban - 4/5/15 Progress Report

  • Since the switch back to xcode, we have been trying to figure out how to modify the app for our needs.
  • The ThinkGear group created their simple app using an xib file format.
  • This way of using user interface to create an app is old and storyboard took over it in xcode 5.
  • I first thought that we could try and transfer the app that they created into a storyboard format but we were not able to transfer the project.
  • The next step that we tried was modifying the xib file itself. Using the one that was already created and try changing it to our advantage and needs.
  • I watched several tutorials showing how to create an xib file and start making app out of it to understand more of what an xib file is.
  • Once I began to modify the app, I didn’t know how to make an opening view come up first and not only that but I didn’t even know how to make a clickable button that can change windows.
  • The reason is that xib is only a user interface platform and unlike storyboard, you cannot drag and drop actions like button and have it work. So you have to code the action of clicking the button itself and code making the windows change due to the button.
  • I thought that maybe the reason I couldn’t do this was because it was a already an existing and created xib file.
  • I created a brand new xib file and .m and .h files to go with it. I watched tutorials on how to code action buttons and connect them to the xib file. I followed the tutorials and did every step that they show you to do.
  • Once I do everything that they show, nothing happens. I cannot even get my xib file to be the one that the app opens.
  • Everytime that I try and run the app to get my xib file to open up, it is their xib file that opens, the original one.
  • I need to figure out how to change the app and code to get my xib file to pop up when I run the app
  • I also need to figure out how to get the button action to work to be able and change windows.

Friday, March 20, 2015

STEM update (3-20-15, Sebastian Cruz)

These past two weeks were spent working on Xcode. The sample project offered by Neurosky was downloaded and I began exploring around the code. At first my plan was to explore objective-C in depth but due to tone restraints, that's not possible. Using the iPad Development book, I was able to figure out how table view works and also discovered user interface. User interface is a .xib file where the developer sets what the user will see. I started working on this but quickly turned it over to Esteban. I continued using the book to find out what else to do. Currently, I'm working on setting up the iPad so it can be used for testing the app.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

STEM Progress Report-Ryan Wang

I was reading the research papers you provided and they gave insight for EEG application. Applications like music configuration based on emotional state and EEG based control over robots are applications that stood out because of their data classification methods. Although I did not fully comprehend their methods, I noticed that the group researching music modification based on emotional state created parameters using valence and arousal as x and y axis on a graph, respectively. The quadrants created by these axes are plotted accordingly so that happy, angry, sad, and relaxed lie on quadrants one, two, three, and four; respectively. With their classification methodology in mind, we decided to pursue a classification method that isolated alpha and beta waves, specifically their average amongst an epoch of 0.5s, plotted along a Cartesian graph so that the data (amplitude avg.)  is translatable into coordinate values (alpha, beta). Using the classier training tool, we hope to find the correct class labels in conjunction with linear discriminant analysis (LDA). With the class labels set correctly, we will proceed with LDA, which utilizes statistics to find a linear equation that is able distinguish if the controlled action is performed, according to neural activity, or not.  We plan to design an experiment to implement said classification immediately after an accurate application to classify data is established. 

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Progress Report (Sebastian)

These past two weeks I've been trying to resolve the different problems with the android platform. Multiple attempts were tried in order to fix the errors, but nothing worked. I updated the java sdk and jre and set it up correctly on eclipse. But there were still problems concerning the platform and setting up the proper android sdk's. There was also a problem loading the correct android version. Multiple forums pointed to updating java (which I did) as the solution, but that didn't help. There weren't many other solutions, and those that were available didn't help. After much consideration, I've decided, along with Esteban, to switch back to xcode. Technically, we should still be able to reach deadlines and complete the project. I'll revisit xcode to refresh my memory about it. We made some progress before on the xcode platform, so we'll build it up from there.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Andres' Progress Report (3/6/15)

  • Read and annotated the tutorials specifically about OpenVibe and its functions. I was able to understand more about designer and its box method.
  • From the tutorials, I was able to run an OpenVibe scenario.

  • Learned about classification through a demonstration given by Mr. Lin. Now I understand that for the upcoming week we must obtain a linear discriminant through the use of binary. We are planning on running one experiment with many trials of a subject performing math operations, and then a completely different experiment, also with many trials, of the same trainee reading. Then we hope to find comparisons within the trials of each experiment. Finally, we hope to find a clear and definite contrast between the two experiments in order to obtain the linear discriminant
  • Learned how to attach an excel file to the .CSV file writer box so that I can obtain and analyze numerical data obtained through MindWave.

Esteban's Progress Report 3/5/15

- Watched tutorials on how to make small shooting app for android in eclipse
- Learned some basic language, commands, threads, etc. 
- Cruz also did another tutorial and tried to create an app of his own
- We began to work on the simple android app but faced some errors in eclipse
- I thought it was inefficient for both of us to work on the same thing with the same errors so I took a different approach 
- I began to try to make the same app with android studio but as soon as i opened it, I received errors with the build.gradle
- I looked on forums and threads and a lot of other people also had the same problem
- I tried downloading a previous version of Android studio but that did not work either
- A new update came out for Android Studio and I updated and I wished  that hopefully this would patch up some of the bugs that are preventing us from continuing.
- This update cleared up one of the errors but just brought up another error.
- Instead of giving me an error that the build.gradle could not be refreshed, it is now giving me an error: "Unknown host ''"
- This error is also preventing that the project itself from building and finishing it up
- By this point, I am not going to spend any more time on Android Studio because I just keep ending up going in circles
- Cruz has exhasuted all of his efforts in Eclipse so we have decided to now switch back to Xcode
- This is was not in the plan and its not ideal at all but we have not fallen back on schedule
- We have the "Hello World" working and running
- The next thing that is in order is making a simple app
- Once thats done, Cruz and I are going to split up do the Real World App and the Virtual World App

Friday, February 6, 2015

Progress Report 2/6/15

App Team: Sebastian C. & Esteban C.

Progress: This week we solved all three problems that were causing delays in our progress. We were able to find the “tools” folder by downloading a separate SDK from the android developers website. As a result, we were able to convert the java application that was provided by neurosky into a build.gradle file. This file was essential in order to import the code into Android Studio. We were able to successfully do this, and have now rid ourselves of the problems we had the week before break.One problem we’ve had is that there are 13 errors in the build.gradle code. We’ve been able to get around this by running the app on eclipse through an Android phone. 
Plans: We then began to think about the advantages that we could have if we also made the same app in Xcode. This would then expand our product to more fields. We could reach android users and apple users. We are still deciding on whether or not to do this, it would be a good option to keep open. Now that we are able to get the code up in android studio and eclipse, we need to start modifying it and begin to research how we are able to bring in the collected data that Ryan and Andres are collecting.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Bring Up to Speed Progress Report

Brainwave Team: Ryan W. & Andres D. 

We started the project with biofeedback in gaming, hoping that we would create a horror game similar to Nevermind. To start our research, we ordered MindWave, which is a device that records brain wave signals. Then, out of nowhere, we got the news that Helana was no longer going to attend ELRO. That news hit us hard because she was the most knowledgable on coding. However, as one door closes another one opens. Shortly after losing Helana, we gained Sebastian and Esteban.  They joined our group after they found out that their project had already been done. Ever since we've merged teams, it has been much easier to make progress because we work in parallel. While Ryan and I work on exporting brain wave data in order to use that in an application, Esteban and Sebastian have been working on the application itself. Another impactful moment in our group was when Mr. Lin introduced us to Open Vibe. This was the software that we needed in order to obtain raw data and use that raw data to our advantage. We've been stuck for a while, unfortunately, because although we are obtaining numerical data, we do not know how to export the data into a .csv file. To overcome this set back, we've been doing more research on the blocks in Open Vibe. Just yesterday we found a block known as "csv file writer" which we believe may be the answer to our problems. 

Application Team: Esteban C. & Sebastian C. 

We started off working with the mindwave technology. Our goal is to build an app that will be able to incorporate this technology into the app. We started off using Xcode, the application used to build apple apps. As we started working and tweaking the sample app that was provided to us, we hit many roadblocks that were beyond our intellectual scopes. It is beyond our knowledge of coding. We tried to incorporate storyboard into this app but that was impossible for us. We then switched over to an android system. We started off using eclipse but the android developers page recommended using android studio, there own program for running apps. Our current problem is not being able to get android studio to run smoothly. We've tried multiple ways to get the code to run on android studio but this is turning out to be more difficult than what we expected. The current roadblock that we have is not being able to run the code on an android device or an android emulator that comes in android studio. We have watched multiple tutorials and have done extensive research but we cannot come up with the solution to the problem. Every time that we come close, something else fails and brings us right back to square one. Due to this problem, progress lately has been stagnate. We are reading through developer documents in the android developer website to see if there is anyway to troubleshoot this problem.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Progress Report: 1/16/15

App Team: Esteban C. & Sebastian C.


Once that we changed into java and used eclipse, we are tinkering with the code and trying to get the app to run. To be able to get this done, we had to download a different program called android studio. Android studio is a format in which you can also write code and it comes with different tools that can be used to develop applications for android devices. Once we downloaded the program, we started to study it and get use to the program. We looked up a few tutorials on the different tools that come with Android Studio and found the emulator that it comes with. Much like xcode, you can run your program on an android device simulator. After some time exploring we finally got the app to work on the emulator.


Although we got the emulator to work, in the middle of it running, the program crashed and closed down android studio. Once we opened it again, the emulator refused to work. We keep getting the same error that the emulator is missing a “module”. So now we are doing some troubleshooting on what happened and what this “module” is. We are hoping that we can get the emulator to get working again by next Tuesday. Along with that, we are continuing trying to understand and analyze the code.

Open Vibe: Ryan W. & Andres D.

Progress: This week we encountered multiple problems with the integration of the simulation definition. Defining the simulation requires a script file that tells the function to what to include within it's definition of "simulation". In' theory, I know what I want to do, but it's the actual implementation that troubles us.Through out the week, I have attempted, with not avail to bridge the gap that exists between numerical data and development.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Progress Report 1/8/15

Brain Wave Team: Andres & Ryan


This week we focused on building the application. We’ve been trying really hard to figure out how to split the frequencies up into alpha, beta, gamma, etc. but it has been figured out.  In the Acquisition server, there is a tab for driver properties. The properties have a selection for “Power (8 Channel)” which splits the frequencies by utilizing:

Acquisition Server Temporal Filter Spectral Analysis Signal Display

Upon building the visual program, we stumbled across “Matrix Display”. Matrix Display, unlike signal display, gave the numerical values we needed to implement further development. Getting the numbers from the raw data would allow us to export numbers into a file (.CSV) and use the data for further application.

Now that we have the data, we can undergo different experiments, such as testing out different types of music on someone using MindWave. With the data from each test, we hope to find something that stands out (ex: spike) so we can use that as a reference.

We’ve also been writing an email to Emotiv because they have a new device that is very promising and has many more outputs than MindWave. The email looks as such:

Hi, My name is Andres Daza and I'm a high school senior from Eleanor Roosevelt High School in New York City. I'm in a class called Advanced STEM Research and my group is working on biofeedback technology using MindWave. So far, we haven't been satisfied with the device, and believe that your new device, Insight, is very promising and would allow us to further our research. We would really appreciate it if you could send us an evaluation prototype strictly for our research. 

We still need to find a way to export the file. We hope that by looking through more tutorials, and experimenting more with OpenVibe, we'll successfully find a way to export the file. Every time we play around with OpenVibe, we discover new things. For example, we recently discovered a tool that allows to define stimulation. Say I define stimulation as being an alpha wave with Amplitude>5, which essentially filters out a set trait or quality can be used to write a program.                                    

Application and Coding Team: Sebastian & Esteban


Before the break started, we decided to change the platform of where we were going to work on the app. At first we were working on X-Code and using Objective-C. This became a problem since we are not familiar with the language and the language itself became harder to understand. So we have now changed to using Eclipse which uses Java as the language. Java is not only easier to understand but Vasil and Gui have made themselves available for us as well. With this change we are hoping to understand more thoroughly and quickly the application that comes with the MindWave headset.

Problems and Plans:

The only problem that we’ve faced is being able to open the file of the android thinkgear directly on eclipse. We may have fixed this issue by finding a way to bypass the way you open the file. The problem we seem to be facing now is being able to start the application on an android phone. Right now that is what we’re working on and we plan to be able to do it by next Thursday.