Friday, January 16, 2015

Progress Report: 1/16/15

App Team: Esteban C. & Sebastian C.


Once that we changed into java and used eclipse, we are tinkering with the code and trying to get the app to run. To be able to get this done, we had to download a different program called android studio. Android studio is a format in which you can also write code and it comes with different tools that can be used to develop applications for android devices. Once we downloaded the program, we started to study it and get use to the program. We looked up a few tutorials on the different tools that come with Android Studio and found the emulator that it comes with. Much like xcode, you can run your program on an android device simulator. After some time exploring we finally got the app to work on the emulator.


Although we got the emulator to work, in the middle of it running, the program crashed and closed down android studio. Once we opened it again, the emulator refused to work. We keep getting the same error that the emulator is missing a “module”. So now we are doing some troubleshooting on what happened and what this “module” is. We are hoping that we can get the emulator to get working again by next Tuesday. Along with that, we are continuing trying to understand and analyze the code.

Open Vibe: Ryan W. & Andres D.

Progress: This week we encountered multiple problems with the integration of the simulation definition. Defining the simulation requires a script file that tells the function to what to include within it's definition of "simulation". In' theory, I know what I want to do, but it's the actual implementation that troubles us.Through out the week, I have attempted, with not avail to bridge the gap that exists between numerical data and development.

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