Friday, March 6, 2015

Esteban's Progress Report 3/5/15

- Watched tutorials on how to make small shooting app for android in eclipse
- Learned some basic language, commands, threads, etc. 
- Cruz also did another tutorial and tried to create an app of his own
- We began to work on the simple android app but faced some errors in eclipse
- I thought it was inefficient for both of us to work on the same thing with the same errors so I took a different approach 
- I began to try to make the same app with android studio but as soon as i opened it, I received errors with the build.gradle
- I looked on forums and threads and a lot of other people also had the same problem
- I tried downloading a previous version of Android studio but that did not work either
- A new update came out for Android Studio and I updated and I wished  that hopefully this would patch up some of the bugs that are preventing us from continuing.
- This update cleared up one of the errors but just brought up another error.
- Instead of giving me an error that the build.gradle could not be refreshed, it is now giving me an error: "Unknown host ''"
- This error is also preventing that the project itself from building and finishing it up
- By this point, I am not going to spend any more time on Android Studio because I just keep ending up going in circles
- Cruz has exhasuted all of his efforts in Eclipse so we have decided to now switch back to Xcode
- This is was not in the plan and its not ideal at all but we have not fallen back on schedule
- We have the "Hello World" working and running
- The next thing that is in order is making a simple app
- Once thats done, Cruz and I are going to split up do the Real World App and the Virtual World App

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