Friday, March 6, 2015

Andres' Progress Report (3/6/15)

  • Read and annotated the tutorials specifically about OpenVibe and its functions. I was able to understand more about designer and its box method.
  • From the tutorials, I was able to run an OpenVibe scenario.

  • Learned about classification through a demonstration given by Mr. Lin. Now I understand that for the upcoming week we must obtain a linear discriminant through the use of binary. We are planning on running one experiment with many trials of a subject performing math operations, and then a completely different experiment, also with many trials, of the same trainee reading. Then we hope to find comparisons within the trials of each experiment. Finally, we hope to find a clear and definite contrast between the two experiments in order to obtain the linear discriminant
  • Learned how to attach an excel file to the .CSV file writer box so that I can obtain and analyze numerical data obtained through MindWave.

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