Friday, February 6, 2015

Progress Report 2/6/15

App Team: Sebastian C. & Esteban C.

Progress: This week we solved all three problems that were causing delays in our progress. We were able to find the “tools” folder by downloading a separate SDK from the android developers website. As a result, we were able to convert the java application that was provided by neurosky into a build.gradle file. This file was essential in order to import the code into Android Studio. We were able to successfully do this, and have now rid ourselves of the problems we had the week before break.One problem we’ve had is that there are 13 errors in the build.gradle code. We’ve been able to get around this by running the app on eclipse through an Android phone. 
Plans: We then began to think about the advantages that we could have if we also made the same app in Xcode. This would then expand our product to more fields. We could reach android users and apple users. We are still deciding on whether or not to do this, it would be a good option to keep open. Now that we are able to get the code up in android studio and eclipse, we need to start modifying it and begin to research how we are able to bring in the collected data that Ryan and Andres are collecting.

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