Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Progress Report 11/5/14

This week has been very important to the development of our project. Last week we lost Helana because she had to leave school, but this week we were able to add Esteban and Sebastian to our team. By having more people working on this project, we'll be able to cover more in a shorter period of time. Now we can divide the work evenly so that we can be working in parallel. While Esteban and Ryan work on the biofeedback aspect of the game,  Sebastian and I can work on the video game itself. This is important because Ryan and I kept going back and forth between biofeedback and the video game and it felt like nothing was being accomplished. Now we have our definite roles and can finally make more progress. We have decided this week that we will still develop a video game that incorporates biofeedback to show that biofeedback is actually effective. However, we still know that there is a whole industry for biofeedback that we can explore after we finish our video game.

In other news, Ryan downloaded the application to record the data and is testing it out with Esteban.
I have shown Sebastian the tutorials for Maya so that he can understand how it works.

We have covered quite a lot during the past few months and we're going to have to catch Esteban and Sebastian up with everything. Ryan is going to have to explain to Esteban how MindWave works, while I'm going to have to explain to Sebastian the plan for the game, including the gameplay, the setting, and the characters. It's going to take a while catching them up with everything.

I am going to show Sebastian all of the tutorials and explain to him what we want the game to look like and how we plan on adding biofeedback into the gameplay. Ryan will demonstrate how biofeedback works to Esteban by showing him the apps that MindWave came with.

1 comment:

  1. 1) Is the data coming from a single output channel? Is it processed and separated into different frequency ranges? Is the raw data numeric in some format such as Excel?
    2) You need to redo your Gantt chart and accelerate your work due to more human resource.
