Friday, December 12, 2014

Progress Report 12/11/14


Brain Research Team
  • We decided to go with OpenVibe as our method of obtaining raw data after finding a PC that ran on Windows 7. Now we do not have to buy MyndPlay Pro, which was our alternative. 
  • We were able to install OpenVibe and successfully connect MindWave with it.
  • Using OpenVibe tutorials, we finally obtained raw data after many weeks! 

Video Tutorials:



Application Team
  • Downloaded developer tool software to make a simple App. 
  • Simple decision-making app that runs on the premiss of "if... then" 
  • Inspiration: 


Brain Wave Team
  • We do not know how to read the raw data from OpenVibe.
  • We don't know how to process the raw data from OpenVibe in order to use code 
  • We don't know how to use the raw data so that it feeds into the program real time 
Application Team
  • We are looking in the code how to extract receiving data. 
  • We're figuring out the different commands specific for the mind wave application
  • Ryan and Andres: We are going to continue researching OpenVibe in order to obtain different types of raw data. We are also going to find a way to process the raw data that we already have. We want to be able to understand and use the raw data in order to incorporate that into our application. 
  • Esteban and Sebastian: We're going to extract the raw data from the current application and create a simple application using this data. 

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