Thursday, December 18, 2014

Progress Report 12/18/14

Brainwave Team: Ryan W. and Andes D.

Progress: This week, we researched the visual library of OpenVibe by reading up on and watching videos explaining the functions of each function. The OpenVibe Designer works by fetching data from the Acquisition Server.The Acquisition Server has a set of different drivers that are specific to different EEG monitors. The drivers are designed specifically to reduce the maximum amount of noise for the recording device. The video taught us how to build an example program that could convert raw data from time domain to frequency domain. This week, I was not only researching the pathways needed to generate a .CSV file from the data, which could produce tangible numerical data, but also I was researching the tools I could use to make communication between data and application real time.

Problems & Plans: I found the functions necessary to make this idea work but I still need to find a method to link it all together- right now it’s like pieces to a puzzle, I just need to find a way to fit all the pieces together correctly to make the program cohesive.

App Team: Esteban C. and Sebastian C.

Progress: We are actively modifying the sample application that we have. We've learned the general structure of the app. Specifically, and most importantly, we know where the app controls its raw data. We've also identified where the app creates a table, so we’ll be able to cut out the data that we don’t need. Other things we've done is connect our app to an iPhone and run it, re familiarize ourselves with xcode, and continuing to isolate different components of the app to see how they work.

Problems & Plans: The most recent problem that we encountered was a foreign command in xcode called “synthesize” Instead of using a storyboard, like we learned last year, the app synthesizes the images on the screen and doesn't use the typical way. This will make the learning curve deeper, but we believe that it shouldn't be too big of a problem. We've started looking into this problem in order to either convert the app into an app that uses a storyboard or learn this new command.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Progress Report 12/11/14


Brain Research Team
  • We decided to go with OpenVibe as our method of obtaining raw data after finding a PC that ran on Windows 7. Now we do not have to buy MyndPlay Pro, which was our alternative. 
  • We were able to install OpenVibe and successfully connect MindWave with it.
  • Using OpenVibe tutorials, we finally obtained raw data after many weeks! 

Video Tutorials:



Application Team
  • Downloaded developer tool software to make a simple App. 
  • Simple decision-making app that runs on the premiss of "if... then" 
  • Inspiration: 


Brain Wave Team
  • We do not know how to read the raw data from OpenVibe.
  • We don't know how to process the raw data from OpenVibe in order to use code 
  • We don't know how to use the raw data so that it feeds into the program real time 
Application Team
  • We are looking in the code how to extract receiving data. 
  • We're figuring out the different commands specific for the mind wave application
  • Ryan and Andres: We are going to continue researching OpenVibe in order to obtain different types of raw data. We are also going to find a way to process the raw data that we already have. We want to be able to understand and use the raw data in order to incorporate that into our application. 
  • Esteban and Sebastian: We're going to extract the raw data from the current application and create a simple application using this data. 

Friday, December 5, 2014

Progress Report 12/4/13


  • We've done more extensive research on how to obtain raw data. Right now, we have three different methods that are compatible with MindWave and are possible candidates. These include: OpenVibe, Brainwave Visualizer, and MyndPlay Pro. 
  • OpenVibe: A brain-computer interference that enables commands or messages to be sent to computers by means of brain activity. 
  • Processes brain signals: it can be used to acquire, filter, process, classify, and visualize brain signals in real time. 
    • Pros: Free, easy to use, includes frequency domain
    • Cons: Requires Windows 7
    • Video:

  • Brainwave Visualizer: Just recently we found out that the software that came with MindWave, which we have been using for a while now, is actually capable of recording raw data. We first discovered this by finding out that it can give us numerical data. 
    • Pros: Free, provides analysis of EEG data, gives information on different types of waves (Beta, Gamma, Alpha)
    • Cons: In order to record real-time brain wave data, we have to use Itunes.

  • MyndPlay Pro: Is an all in one EEG neurofeedback recording, reporting, and analysis software tool. It includes a media player so that you can watch any video and record/view your brain reactions in real-time. 
    • Pros: records real-time raw data at a sampling rate of 512 Hz, records all types of data waves, includes a real-time live feed activity screen, and saves your brainwave data.
    •  Cons: Expensive ($100), and not enough research has been done on the app. 

  • We do not know which of these software tools to use. All are possible candidates, but we have yet to find one that exceeds our expectations. 
    • The problem with OpenVibe is that the software is old and therefore we cannot use it on Ryan's computer. 
    • The problem with Brainwave Visualizer is that we have not yet recorded any data using it and do not know if it actually works. 
    • The problem with MyndPlay Pro is that it is very expensive. 
  • We now know that putting the sensor from MindWave on the forehead isn't that reliable because a lot of the waves that are calculated come from the movement of the muscles in the forehead. 
  • Esteban and I: Continue to do more research on Myndplay Pro and Brainwave Visualizer. If we can obtain actual data from Brainwave Visualizer using Itunes then we will most likely use that software. If not, then we will most likely go with Myndplay Pro. 
  • Ryan and Sebastian: Continue doing research on brain waves. They will also will find out if we can use OpenVibe.