Monday, October 13, 2014

Progress Report - 10/9/14

Deciding which platform to make our game on. Another problem that we have is that Helana is absent a lot because of her health, so we lack a lot of communication.

This week we've decided that we are going to create a prototype of the game that we want to create. This means that instead of actually designing the monsters, we'll have blocks representing them. We want to do this just to demonstrate that our concept works. Once we finish the prototype, we'll create the real game with the real monsters. We have also started working on designing the maze because it will provide a basis. More importantly, we decided that we want you to order MindWave.
On other matters, Helana has decided that she wants the platform to be on PC because you can do more programming on PCs than on Macs. We are still not entirely set on whether or not the game will be an app or a full out game. To solve the problems our team have when Helana is absent, we have exchanged phone numbers so that we can communicate more easily.  Lastly, we have developed a survey to see what everyday students like to see in horror games.


For next week, I will work more on designing the maze, Helana will start programming, and Ryan will help both of us. Ryan will also gather more information on what people want to see in our game.

1 comment:

  1. 1) Can you send me a link with reasonable price where I can buy the MindWave for your group? There are a few different choices on Amazon. I am not sure which one you want.
    2) Your group is still missing the project planning presentation (Task Dependency Analysis, AOA diagram, Critical Path Analysis, and Gantt Chart)
