Thursday, April 2, 2015

Esteban - 4/5/15 Progress Report

  • Since the switch back to xcode, we have been trying to figure out how to modify the app for our needs.
  • The ThinkGear group created their simple app using an xib file format.
  • This way of using user interface to create an app is old and storyboard took over it in xcode 5.
  • I first thought that we could try and transfer the app that they created into a storyboard format but we were not able to transfer the project.
  • The next step that we tried was modifying the xib file itself. Using the one that was already created and try changing it to our advantage and needs.
  • I watched several tutorials showing how to create an xib file and start making app out of it to understand more of what an xib file is.
  • Once I began to modify the app, I didn’t know how to make an opening view come up first and not only that but I didn’t even know how to make a clickable button that can change windows.
  • The reason is that xib is only a user interface platform and unlike storyboard, you cannot drag and drop actions like button and have it work. So you have to code the action of clicking the button itself and code making the windows change due to the button.
  • I thought that maybe the reason I couldn’t do this was because it was a already an existing and created xib file.
  • I created a brand new xib file and .m and .h files to go with it. I watched tutorials on how to code action buttons and connect them to the xib file. I followed the tutorials and did every step that they show you to do.
  • Once I do everything that they show, nothing happens. I cannot even get my xib file to be the one that the app opens.
  • Everytime that I try and run the app to get my xib file to open up, it is their xib file that opens, the original one.
  • I need to figure out how to change the app and code to get my xib file to pop up when I run the app
  • I also need to figure out how to get the button action to work to be able and change windows.