Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Progress Report - 9/25/14

Progress: Over the course of this past week, our group has been focusing on finding biofeedback hardware that can fulfill our needs and wants. We’ve done a lot of research, and have come up with a few possible takers. Out of all of them, we are leading towards NeuroSky’s MindWave module. We believe that this hardware will be the most efficient for us to use because it is the most economic and it can be programmed. This means that when we buy it, we will be able to use code in order to make it do what we want it to do. We also really like this model because it can measure brain activity, which is a safer and more reliable method to use rather than measuring the heartbeat of our players. The packaging also promotes that it is lightweight and wireless, two qualities that we think are essential. The best part is that it comes with software. In a few days we will decide if we will order it through amazon.  


Problem: Because we've been focused so much on biofeedback, our team has forgotten about the most important aspect of the project: the game itself.

Solution: For next week, we all plan on making a rough concept map of our video game. We want to choose a genre and come up with a basic storyline. We also want to come up with a way to implement biofeedback into the video game in order to make it more difficult. Because we have not ordered MindWave yet, we will all be working on the rough design for next week.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Weekly Progress Report

Project groups are required to maintain Weekly Progress Report about their progress. The report is due every Thursday. The writing should be clear and concise. The following list is a template for your report.

  • Progress: list of tasks accomplished, problems solved, questions answered, lessons learned, new idea identified, etc. Include any images and/or videos of your experiments, presentations and/or documents of your results, links and/or printing references, and acknowledgements of external support.
  • Problem: difficulties encountered, missing information, equipments required, materials missed, open issues, new risks or show stopper identified, etc.
  • Plan: steps to attack the problems, action items, experiments to conduct, ideas to try, etc. Show your schedule and task assignment for each group member for the coming week.